Saturday, August 24, 2024

Shelf Toilets

 Disclaimer: An actual turd was NOT used in the making of the accompanying photo.

During my fourteen days here in The Netherlands, I've experienced some new things, but nothing prepared me for the decidedly Dutch attraction to shelf toilets.

Historically, the inspection shelf toilet design was widely adopted in the Netherlands due to the challenges of disposing waste in a country with a high water table. The shelf design helped facilitate inspection and cleaning of the waste, which was important in areas where drainage systems were limited. 

Having worked a brief lifetime in the water treatment industry, I was amazed to learn that it wasn't until as recently as 2017 that all of Amsterdam was linked to a sanitary sewer system. Prior, all sewage went directly into its canals. Even as modern sewage infrastructure has expanded, many Dutch still prefer the inspection shelf style. There is a perception that these toilets are more hygienic and easier to keep clean compared to standard bowl designs. The shelf design is also seen by some as more water-efficient.

Despite my research into the reasoning behind such a toilet, and my now fourteen days' worth of experience using one, I am not swayed. I look forward to hearing the familiar, "plunk-plunk-ker-PLUNK" sound of my turds hitting the water.