Four years ago, the man's wife was found dead when paramedics arrived. This is what the police officer said when he knocked on my door. He wondered if I ever heard any domestic disturbances?
After she died, the partner she left behind became unmoored. This is when the number of people who came and went dramatically increased. Late night parties happened more frequently. Then, the garage caught fire. The garage that sits a mere eighteen inches from my fence, 36 inches from my house, in flames. Firefighters, with axes unfurled, raced across my front lawn that cold January and chopped down the double doors of the structure, causing a large flame to issue forth. But it was summarily extinguished with a brigade of fire extinguishers and a fire hose.
The list is long of unsavory events and questionable house guests that have transpired since.
But what happened today was, by far, the weirdest most unexpected event, EVER.
My newest little foster dog was clearly upset by the people she could hear but not see that were on the other side of the fence. I listened from the back room to hear someone trying to pry and loosen the big garage door open. I heard a woman outside the garage yell, "I think there is a lever to your left that will open it."
Then I hear a voice inside the garage reply.
I decide to go stand next to the fence both to hear better and to maybe see something. The woman continues talking to someone inside the garage. A man with a limp joins her. He pulls a heavy trailer away from the door then uses a crowbar to get the door open. After a bit more pushing and prying, the door finally opens. I hear the guy with limp ask the person inside if they're ok.
The man and woman step back and a man emerges. He is wearing black sweat pants that sag halfway down his ass. I recognize him as one the quasi street type people that frequent next door. But it is the rest of his outfit that stuns me. He's wearing a wife-beater type white tshirt and on top of that a bright pink fishnet sexy blouse. His hair is done up in pigtails and his face is painted to look like a woman.
He talks gruff to the other two, directing them how to breakdown whatever had been set up inside.
A large box of items goes into the back of a pick up truck.
A flat panel is stored to the right of the garage. Something else is placed in a pile of junk.
Eventually I quit peering between the slats of the fence and went back inside.
I have been trying to process ever since what it was that I just saw.