I've been writing you a letter every year since your first birthday, chronicling your journey the past year. Tomorrow you will have completed twenty two revolutions around the sun, In that time you have learned to talk, walk, read, write, add, subtract, play the piano, drive a car, achieve a goal, get a job, fall in love and do the right thing.
This year, I thought your birthday letter should look ahead, instead of back, and muse upon what still lies before you: A career, a home all unto yourself, a car you want instead of one you can afford, maybe a husband, maybe a child, or two. You have yet to experience the death of a dear friend. You haven't faced cancer or some other terrible disease. You haven't watched your parents fade and become frail - - slow, yes. But not (yet) frail! You haven't been published, or had a room full of people applaud you for your words. You haven't become your own best friend.
Yes. There is still much loss and heartache before you, but your next decade will be focused on defining who you are in this world. Your career. Your most intimate relationships. Finding a comfortable compromise between your dreams of youth and the realities of life is still ahead of you.
You have built a solid foundation, my sweet thing. You are a compassionate, hard working, fun and spirited young woman. You embrace life and all of its diversity with a passion and have a delightful, self-deprecating way of retelling your struggles. I'd like to think you believe in yourself. I know I do.
But so much is unknown to you right now. I hear your uncertainty. I sense your fear. And all I can say is: Don't worry, dear daughter. I know you will be fine in the years ahead. You have what it takes to survive. More than that, you have what it takes to flourish.
Here's to many years that still lie ahead. May they be best yet!
I love you more than all the stars in all the universe, and beyond.
YRM (Your Real Momma)